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    Benefits of network membership:

    Your profile will be found via the relevant topics: you can add all your courses, products & services to your profile, and they’ll be accessible from the relevant topic pages. For example, if you run green woodworking courses – from the topic page, here, if you click on ‘courses’, your profile will appear on this list. The same applies for products & services in all topics. This is the way that most visitors use the site, but in the directory, members are also searchable by name, topics, location and anything you put into your profile.

    Great value promotion: we’re a very popular site. We’re constantly being contacted by corporate advertising departments, but our banner ads are reserved for small businesses, co-ops and community organisations. You can advertise on pages that reflect your activities (note that the banner ads are added manually, and so are not affected by ad-blocking software). If you publish books or manuals, we’ll add them too, with a link for people to buy from you. We’ll also pass on any enquiries on your topic from people near you (no commission).

    Quality: the public will find more independent businesses who believe in what they’re doing, rather than corporations doing things just for profit. We’ll check that new members are genuine and knowledgeable, and not sales fronts for companies wanting to get on the green bandwagon. We’ll ask for recommendations and testimonials from other members in the same field, and we’ll have a ratings system for people to review members whose services they’ve used (plus a ‘right of reply’ for members).

    Good information: we’ll send queries in the comments section at the bottom of each topic to relevant members to answer; put your website in your reply – it’s good promotion, and the public get good information; we often interview (and acknowledge / link to) members for topic introductions, blog articles, further information pages etc.

    Cross-fertilisation: we bring together people from different disciplines – customers of veg box schemes, natural builders or craftspeople might also be interested in credit unions, renewables installers, natural soaps or bushcraft, and so on. We can exchange information and ideas as well as customers. We have such a huge range of topics that many visitors will be introduced to your entire field, as well as to your business.

    Got something to say? you can blog with us – we’ll broadcast it via social media and our newsletter, which goes out to 20,000 people (here’s our policy on blog articles and social media).

    Spread the word: all our income is used to add more information, reach more people and make the network bigger. Even if you’re a featured member or an advertiser, feel free to add the logo above (with a link) to your home page. That way you’ll be helping to raise the profile of other excellent businesses, and others will be doing the same for you.

    There’s a crash coming – a slap from Mother Nature. This isn’t pessimistic; it’s realistic.

    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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