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  • matthew slaters reviews of money news
  • Matthew Slater’s reviews of money news

    Matthew Slater, co-author of the Credit Commons white paper, produces a biannual roundup of money news he finds interesting.

    Lowimpact is partnering with (and sharing some personnel with) the newly-launched Credit Commons Society, formed to promote and oversee the development of a global ‘Credit Commons’ – a network of mutual credit, complementary currency and other groups all over the world that can trade with each other seamlessly, without money.

    Mutual credit is a rapidly-developing family of ideas that can form the basis of (moneyless) trade within a new, ‘commons’ economy, that doesn’t require banks or interest, and that can be owned in communites, by all of us, rather than by a tiny, super-wealthy minority.

    The Credit Commons protocol was written by Matthew Slater. It’s the ‘language’ that allows groups all over the world to connect and interact. It’s a bit like the rules of chess – it doesn’t matter what kind of chess pieces or board people are using, as long as they abide by the universally-accepted rules of chess, they can play together.

    We’ve been working with Matthew for a long time. He’s blogged with us here and here, and we’ve interviewed him here and here. For a while now, Matthew has been sending out a review of developments in the monetary world (and especially monetary alternatives) twice a year, to a mailing list of friends and colleagues. With his permission, we’ll be making those reviews available to our visitors.

    Ideas around money can get very complex very quickly, so do feel free to put queries to Matthew in the comments section of the various articles.

    Here are the articles we’ve blogged so far, going back in time:

    There’s a crash coming – a slap from Mother Nature. This isn’t pessimistic; it’s realistic.

    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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