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  • Chris Huskins

    Chris Huskins bio

    The seeds for Fanfield Farm CSA were planted early on. At a young age Chris worked at a greengrocer’s and spent summers on his great aunt’s dairy farm, Fanfield Farm (the very same name of the ELC plot which both a continuation and celebration of Chris’s time spent on his family farm). Emily grew up on and around farmland and conservation areas giving her an insight into the concerns and life of rural communities. The Ecological Land Co-op gave the young couple confidence and courage to choose farming as a career. And the space to grow food and to set their ambitions high.

    Articles by

    Chris Huskins

    Small farms, land co-ops and mutual credit: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm, Part 2

    Chris Huskins 08-Mar-2020

    This is Part 2 of a conversation between Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / the Open Credit Network and Chris Huskins, a smallholder tenant of the Ecological Land Co-operative, starting a veg box scheme in East Sussex, building his own home, and looking to trade via mutual credit. Read more

    Small farms, land co-ops and farm housing: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm

    Chris Huskins 23-Feb-2020

    Today I’m talking with Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm – an Ecological Land Co-op plot – who is going to build his own house on his smallholding. He’s also trading using mutual credit, via the Open Credit Network. Read more

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