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  • Lucy Friedlander

    Lucy Friedlander bio

    The Heartland Association is the home of sustainable tourism in Italy: yurts, safari tents, tipis, rural networking and much much more. It is based at Heartland, our site in the beautiful Majella Mountains of Abruzzo, Central Italy, where we have an evolving event centre and campground. The Association was created with rural re-development in mind, especially of abandoned lands in Abruzzo, also applicable to rural areas of Central Europe. We have some of the biggest names in the Glamping movement on board, so can offer a full package to every place, from site design to business plans, and of course the making and supply of tents. We welcome you to this sustainable revolution.

    Articles by

    Lucy Friedlander

    Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe

    Lucy Friedlander 19-Jun-2018

    We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association. Read more

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