Dry stone walling - links

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Find a dry stone waller

DSWA Register this is all you need – it’s a register of dry stone walling professionals all over the UK, organised by county

Associations, groups, centres etc.

Construction en Pierre Seche French Association
DSWA Dry Stone Walling Association, UK
DSWAC dry stone walling across Canada
Dry Stone Wall Association of Ireland Ireland’s national body
Dry Stone Walls Association of Australia volunteer body in Oz
National Stone Centre visitor centre in Derbyshire – lots of info about stone and stone building
Yorkshire Dry Stone Walling Guild membership organisation preserving dry stone walls in Yorkshire


Ancient Origins unravelling the mystery behind megalithic Inca stone walls
Flora of Dry Stone Walls very specialist website looking at the plants that grow on dry stone walls
Gov.uk protecting rural landscapes & features: dry stone walls (inc. funding)
the Guardian how to build a dry stone wall
Inform interesting booklet on dry stone walls in Scotland
L’architecture de Pierre Seche fascinating site about dry stone architecture in France (in French)
Mother Earth News how to build a dry stone wall
Out of Oblivion article about dry stone walls and hedges in the Yorkshire Dales National Park
Polygonal Masonry dry stone building with interesting patterns
Stone and Gardens dry stone walling – guide to good practice
Walling Wonderland wonderful site with lots of articles and galleries of different types of dry stone building
Walls Without Mortar Scottish master craftsman gathers examples of dry stone features around the world
Wikipedia entry for dry stone walls

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