Solar cookers - links

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Backwoods Home Magazine – article on making and using a solar cooker

E Magazine – solar cooking helps struggling communities

PV Magazine – photovoltaics for cooking

Scheffler Reflectors – introduction to the design of large-scale reflectors

Slick Stoves – the physics of how solar cookers work

Slick Stoves – the weather: will today be good for solar cooking?

Slick Stoves – risks associated with solar cooking

Slick Stoves – how to aim your solar cooker at the sun

Slick Stoves – how to bake bread using a tube solar cooker

Solar Aid – solar cooking resource pack for schools

Solar Cookers International – worldwide collaboration of charities, manufacturers, educators, academics and outreach workers with a common interest in solar cooking

Solar Cookers International – map of solar cooker distribution around the world

Solar Cooking in the UK – research on energy saved by using a basic box cooker in the UK

Solar Cooking UK – Facebook group

Solar Cooking Wiki – tons of information

Solar Cooking Wiki – free plans for building your own solar cooker

Solar Household Energy – solar cooking for development and environmental relief

UN Climate Technology Center & Network – info on solar cooking and organisations promoting solar cooking around the world

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