Tracking - links

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Beartracker’s Animal Tracks Den US site with lots of useful information, images and stories
BioKids excellent track & sign guide, including the things animals leave behind
British Wildlife Wiki UK wildlife tracks
Camping Expert tips on tracking wildlife
Devon Biodiversity Records Centre pdf of common animal footprints, actual size
Discover Wildlife article on how to track wildlife by Ray Mears
Hainault Forest Website wonderful images and descriptions of tracks and footprints, but also droppings and other evidence of animal activity
Nature Tracking lots of photographs of different animal tracks
Outdoor Action excellent guide to animal tracks & signs
The Photocorner snapshot of common British animal tracks
Princeton University (pdf) guide to animal tracking
Tracks & Lures No. 7 of Richard Graves’ free bushcraft books
Track & Sign International Society of Professional Trackers
Tracks in Snow zillions of images of animal tracks in snow
Traps & Snares No. 8 of Richard Graves’ free bushcraft books
Which? pdf on common animal tracks you might find in your garden
Wikipedia entry on tracking
Wild Track monitoring endangered species using footprint identification


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