Vegetable growing - links

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Allotment & Gardens tons of useful information and advice
Allotment Resources preserving the history, culture, skills and knowledge of allotment gardening
Allotments4all allotments forum
Charles Dowding no-dig / no-till gardening, all you ever wanted to know about this amazing labour-saving technique
Companion planting advice from the Old Farmer’s Almanac
Companion planting and more advice from Mother Earth News
Garden Organic researching and promoting organic farming, gardening and food – also, organic seed catalogues
Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg handy growing guides put together by Grow Your Own magazine
Huw’s Nursery YouTube channel created by a teenager whose aim is to grow food inexpensively using sustainable, organic and permaculture techniques
National Allotment Society information and advice about allotments
Permaculture Association world-changing philosophy whose starting point is producing our own food – courses, literature, membership
Plants for a Future database of edible, medicinal and useful plants for a healthy world
Raised beds advice on raised beds from Allotment & gardens
Raised beds and more advice from the RHS
Royal Horticultural Society veg growing guides
Seed Co-operative the UK’s community-owned seed co-operative, breeding open pollinated seeds that everyone can grow, everyone can save
Sorted For You easy step-by-step guide to vegetable gardening
Wildlife Gardener lots of tips on how to attract wildlife to your garden

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