Walking / hiking - links

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Walking organisations

British Walking Federation organising events for people of all ages and abilities
Disabled Ramblers organising rambles for disabled people
European Ramblers’ Association walking in Europe
Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement (GLEAM) pressure group trying to prevent off-road drivers from destroying ancient green lanes for walkers
Heritage Paths revitalising Scotland’s ancient pathways
Inner London Ramblers promoting walking in London
Living Streets charity standing up for pedestrians, creating safe, attractive, enjoyable streets where it’s great to walk
Long Distance Walkers Association Association of people with the common interest of walking long distances in rural, mountainous or moorland areas. Local groups, list of paths
Metropolitan Walkers group of walkers in London for ages 20-30
The Munro Society all about climbing the 282 Munroes in Scotland (mountains with a height of over 3000ft above sea level)
The Ramblers charity promoting walking; advice for walkers, library of routes. Formerly the Ramblers’ Association
RamblingClubs.com directory of UK rambling clubs
The Wainwright Society introducing a wider audience to fellwalking and caring for the hills
Walkers are Welcome network of towns & villages welcoming walkers in the UK
Walking for Health encouraging beginners to walk – guided walks, info on health benefits
Walk to School campaign to to encourage all parents & children to make walking to school part of their daily routine

Public rights of way & outdoor access

Byways & Bridleways Trust charity formed to protect the public rights that exist over the many ancient lanes that form part the British landscape
Freedom to Roam Wikipedia entry on the right of access to land in European countries
Institute of Public Rights of Way (IPROW) professional body representing individuals involved in the management of public rights of way
Legislation.gov.uk Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000
Legislation.gov.uk Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003
Mass Trespass of Kinder Scout the beginning of public access in the UK
Natural England about open access, coastal access and rights of way in the UK
Open Spaces Society representing recreational users on all types of public right of way
Open Spaces Society list of free publications on their website on how to fight for public access locally
Scottish Outdoor Access Code information on walking and access in Scotland
Scottish Rights of Way & Access Society safeguarding access to the Scottish countryside
Selected Works academic article: Britain’s Right to Roam: Redefining the Landowner’s Bundle of Sticks
Wikipedia rights of way in England & Wales

Information and guides

Byway Map map of the ancient ‘green lanes’ of Britain
Car Free Walks directory of walks accessible by public transport in the UK
Fell Walking Experience personal accounts of hill walks all over the UK
Happy Hiker hiking advice and list of walking sites – lots of different areas
Heading for the Scottish Hills find out where deer stalking is taking place so that you can plan your route to avoid it
National Trails footpaths in England & Wales
Natural England – Find a Walk over 1800 routes in England
Ordnance Survey maps
Scotland’s Coastal Path walking Scotland’s coast
Scotland’s Great Trails walking routes in Scotland
Transport for London information about walking in London
Visit Scotland walking in Scotland – safety, routes, wild camping etc.
WalkHighlands helping you discover and explore the real Scotland
Walking & Hiking lots of useful articles for walkers
Walking Britain 15,000 pages of free walking information
Walking Britain list of regional walks all over the UK
Walking-Routes.co.uk thousands of routes
Walking Stories stories of walks all over the world uploaded by walkers
WalkIt the urban walking route planner
Where2Walk info on walking in the Lake District, Yorkshire Moors & Dales
Wikipedia list of long-distance footpaths in the UK

Low-cost accommodation for walkers

Campsites.co.uk lots of UK campsites
Camping Sites in Britain over 6000 campsites in Britain
Mountain Bothies Association maintaining simple shelters in remote areas for the use and benefit of all who love wild & lonely places
Scottish Youth Hostel Association providing high quality, affordable accommodation with a friendly welcome for anyone travelling around Scotland
UK Campsite directory of British campsites
Youth Hostel Association (YHA) charity with a diverse network of hostels, often in exceptional places, open to everyone and especially young people


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