The Loveliest Loo

Author: Mandy Burton | ISBN: 978-0-9566751-9-4

The loveliest Loo tells of a girl’s unexpected discovery of a different kind of toilet, a compost toilet… and one with a surprise! The Loveliest Loo will make you laugh as you ponder the most basic elements of life and how we regard them. A charming story about a beautifully simple way to conserve our natural resources. The striking black and white images are designed to be coloured using pencils. A unique colouring book of interest to all ages, five and above. Mandy Burton is an artist who is passionate about ecology, education and growing food. 48 pages, £5.95. Buy from our partner, the Centre for Alternative Technology.

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There’s a crash coming – a slap from Mother Nature. This isn’t pessimistic; it’s realistic.

The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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