Festival of Commoning
Stroud, Sep 13 & 14. Tickets now on sale >
Low-impact living
Lowimpact.org was founded in 2001, with a mission to help people live more sustainably. But biodiversity loss and global warming have grown rapidly since then, and are accelerating, with nothing in place to stop them. We’re living through dangerous times. Below is a huge resource bank for gaining the skills for low-impact living, self-provisioning, preparing for a very different future, and joining the commons economy. Information is provided in partnership with a network of like-minded people, businesses & organisations. Browse the categories below for 240+ topics with introductory information, books, magazines, articles, interviews, courses, products, services & specialists to answer your queries.
Commons economy
'Living sustainably' within corporate capitalism is like 'living safely' on the Titanic. You may think you're doing it, until you step back and see the bigger picture. We need a commons economy owned by us, rather than by corporations, providing the essentials of life affordably, creating more and better jobs and strengthening communities.We’re partnering with two groups to help build the commons economy.
Mutual Credit Services provide free and open-sourced software, training and support for local commons groups anywhere (including mutual credit 'clubs').
Stroud Commons is a group of Stroud residents who have come together to build the commons economy in Stroud, and to document everything so that it can be implemented in other towns too.
Low-impact living and a commons economy complement each other – and actually, require each other. We can’t have a commons economy if high-impact living is the norm; and low-impact living is impossible in an economy that siphons wealth out of communities and has to constantly grow.
Watch interviews
Interviews with people helping to build the commons economy and to provide things for ourselves in communities.