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  • David Willis

    David Willis bio

    David Willis is a teacher of Bushcraft and Wilderness Living Skills. He can be found baking bread and rustling up tasty meals over a campfire, whittling spoons, foraging for edibles, walking in the woods and soaking up everything nature has to offer. He has served with the Royal Engineers in Belize, spent time living alongside the Maasai in the Rift Valley and learning from the Bushman of the Kalahari, motorcycled around Europe, built and paddled his canoe along British rivers, and loves heading out on adventures. Escaping the corporate world was his best decision ever, with a long career in technology development and consulting, David now loves teaching adults and children, sharing the skills needed to enjoy living life and having fun outdoors!

    Articles by

    David Willis

    How to make wood fire baked sweet chestnut bread

    David Willis 03-Oct-2019

    As autumn draws in, sweet chestnut season is soon approaching. Bushcraft teacher David Willis shares how he bakes tasty roasted sweet chestnut bread on an open fire in a cast iron Dutch oven. Read more

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