Community energy - links

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Baywind first community energy scheme in the UK – wind in Cumbria in 1997
CARES grant funding for schemes in Scotland
CEDF grant funding for schemes in Wales
Community Energy England helping set up community energy projects in England
Community Energy Hub set up as a single point of access for information on community energy online government community energy guidance
Community Shares Unit part of Co-operatives UK, administering ‘societies’ – the basis of community energy schemes
Eigg Electric community energy scheme providing the Scottish Isle of Eigg with all its energy from renewables
Energy4All ethical developer formed to take the Baywind model to other parts of the UK
Ethex listings of new share offers and other ethical investments
Feed-in Tariffs key to the viability of community energy schemes
Local Energy Scotland helping set up projects in Scotland
RCEF grant funding for rural schemes in England
Renewable Heat Incentive incentivising community energy heating schemes
Renew Wales helping to start schemes in Wales
Sharenergy guide to starting a community energy project, and listings of new share offers listings of new share offers
UCEF grant funding for urban schemes in England
Ynni’r Fro more grant funding for schemes in Wales


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