Downshifting - links

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Advice, information & help

The Avant Garde Life – e-book on how to drop out of the rat race and go on an adventure instead

Diary of a Downshifter – blog about simple living

The Downshifter – advice for people considering downshifting

Down the Lane – a personal downshifting experience to seek a simpler, more frugal and self-sufficient life

Free stuff – see the freebie sites at the bottom of the waste & recycling page

The Independent – article about downshifting for beginners

Low Cost Living – lots of advice about reducing living costs

StreetBank – share things with neighbours in your street

Telephone Preference Service (TPS) – easy online registration to stop unwanted sales or marketing calls


Couchsurfing – stay for free at people’s homes as long as you’re prepared to allow people to stay at yours

Hitch-hiking – get lifts for free

WWOOF – stay for free on organic farms in exchange for work

Campaigns & groups

Adbusters – global network opposing the pressure of advertising

Buy Nothing Day – shop less, live more

The Guardian – Berlin ‘borrowing shop’ promotes the benefits of sharing

Reverend Billy – the church of life after shopping

The Slow Movement – addressing the issue of ‘time poverty’


Envisioneer – a £4000 house in Scotland

Guardian – family who left the rat race to live in a tent.

Simon Dale – and a £3000 house in Wales

Wikipedia – downshifting

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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