Fruit trees & orchards - links

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Apples & More apple nutrition facts
Brogdale Horticultural Trust National Fruit Collection, plus fruit identification service
Common Ground founders of Apple Day; info on community orchards
East of England Apples & Orchards Project non-profit organisation encouraging the conservation of the local orchard fruit varieties in the East of England
Fruit Advisory Service advice for commercial fruit growers
Fruitful Schools promoting the planting of fruit trees in schools across the UK
Garden Action articles on planting, rootstock, pruning, pollination and care of apple trees community orchards: a ‘how to’ guide
Great Moments in Science investigating the best way to pack & stack apples to prevent bruising
Marcher Apple Network reviving old apple varieties in the Welsh Marches
National Orchard Forum pooling information about orchards; list of local groups
Orange Pippin describing the flavours and origins of different apple varieties
Orchard Link supporting small orchards in Devon; inc how to run a community orchard group
Orchard Network listing of community orchards in the UK
Reckless Orchard landscape architects with a particular interest in preserving traditional orchards; Glos and S Wales
RHS how to grow fruit
the Wildlife Trusts orchards as wildlife habitats
Wikipedia list of apple cultivars
Woodland Trust how and when to plant fruit trees

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