Mushroom cultivation - links

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Crazy About Mushrooms – mushrooms in history: ancient Greeks & Egyptians

the Food Timeline – history of mushroom cultivation

Fungi Online – introduction to the biology of fungi

Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter – great resource for mushroom enthusiasts and growers

Mushroom Council (US) – supporting mushroom growers; lots of info

Paul Stamets – famous mycologist – if you’re interested in fungi, you’ll love this site

Radical Mycology – based on the belief that the highly resilient lifecycles of fungi and their interactions in nature serve as powerful learning tools for how humans can best relate to each other and steward the world they live in – wow!

TED – six ways mushrooms can save the world

UN Food & Agriculture Organisation – make money by growing mushrooms – with a slant towards small farmers in developing countries

University of California – introduction to the fungi

Wikipedia – fungiculture (growing mushrooms)

Growing button mushrooms

the Blue Economy – mushroom cultivation booklet for the small mushroom entrepreneur

North American Mycological Association – growing mushrooms at home

Penn State University – information on mushroom production, pest management, mushroom cultures available for purchase, and new trends and developments in the industry

Practical Action – mushroom growing, with an emphasis on developing countries

WikiHow – how to grow mushrooms indoors

Growing shiitake and other species

GroCycle – how to grow oyster mushrooms at home

Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter – excellent resource listing for growing all kinds of mushrooms, including shiitake, oyster, maitake, reishi, morels, truffles and more

Truffles, Mushrooms & Mycorrhizas – providing assistance to those who want to grow truffles and other edible mycorrhizal mushrooms

University of Kentucky – shiitake production on logs – step-by-step with pictures

University of Maryland – growing and marketing shiitake mushrooms

the Urban Farming Guys – how to grow shiitake mushrooms

Cooking with mushrooms

AllRecipes – almost 2000 recipes involving mushrooms

BBC Food – mushroom recipes – over 7000 mushroom recipes – apparently – we didn’t count them

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