Planning permission - links

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Associations & societies

National Custom & Self-Build Association (NACSBA) ‘our mission is to substantially increase the number of people able to build or commission their own home’
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) charity whose charitable purpose is to advance the science and art of planning (including town and country and spatial planning) for the benefit of the public
Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA) campaigning for reform of the UK’s planning system to make it more responsive to people’s needs and aspirations and to promote sustainable development

Advice how to appeal a planning decision
Local Self-Build Register register your interest in self-build with your local authority; they are obliged to meet the demand for self-build, but they have to know who wants to do it
My Community advice on neighbourhood plans
National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied
PAS planning advice for Scotland
Planning Aid offers planning advice and support to individuals and communities
Planning Help campaigning on the environmental and sustainability issues relating to new development; plus quick guide to the planning system
Planning Portal the door to the planning system
Planning Practice Guidance government guidance on all aspects of the planning system
Planning Resource information resource for town planning professionals in the UK

Sustainable land-based enterprises

Chapter 7 campaigning to provide access to land for all households through environmentally sound planning
Community Land Advisory Service (CLAS) helping land-based groups to engage with the planning system
CLAS Scotland
CLAS Wales
Ecological Land Co-op provide plots with planning permisson for sustainable smallholders; resources
Permaculture Magazine how to get planning permission on non-development land
Shared Assets think and do tank that supports people managing land for the common good
Sustain alliance of food & farming groups; produces reports on the planning system related to food production

One-planet policy

Lammas information on Wales’ One-Planet Development policy from Lammas ecovillage
One Planet Affordable Living
new approach to housing delivery which prioritises citizen engagement and genuine affordability utilising the One Planet Living framework for truly sustainable communities.
One Planet Council guidance and support for one-planet developments in Wales

Reports / articles

Dan the Plan interesting blog by a sustainability-minded planner
Inter-parliamentary Research & Information Network comparison of the planning system in the four UK countries
Shared Assets creating common good land use
Smallwoods planning legislation and small woodlands
Sustain good planning for good food


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