Recycling, reusing & repairing - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

General information & recycling services / equipment

the Art of Troubleshooting universal guide to help you fix any machine
Community Recycling Network for Scotland supporting Scottish community recycling groups; list of members
ifixit how to fix virtually anything put in your postcode to find information about what and where your council recycles
Green Uses for Waste lots of articles on how to put waste to good use
London Community Recycling Network supporting London’s community recycling organisations; list of members
My Zero Waste blog about a family’s efforts to reduce waste
Recycle More lots of information on recycling
RecycleNow find your nearest recycling facility; plus more info
Reduce Reuse Recycle very good iinformation about recycling at homenformation about where and how to recycle all kinds of waste
Upcycle lots of articles on upcycling
Upcycle That how to reuse items you don’t want by turning them into items you do want
Waste Connect database of recycling points throughout the UK
Wikipedia entry for waste minimisation

Recycling specific goods

Cartridges4Charity ink cartridges and mobile phones
Community Re-paint Network network of paint re-use schemes; donate your unwanted paints
Computers see computer recycling links on our low-impact IT links page
Furniture Re-use Network find your nearest re-use charity to donate unwanted furniture
Glass cutting video from our friend Andy about how to cut and re-use second-hand panes of glass
How Can I Recycle This? articles on how to recycle a huge range of specific items
Primitive Living Skills how to make sandals from old car tyres
Traid clothes

Freebie exchange sites: donate or obtain unwanted items


Recycling, reusing & repairing Resources

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