Wind generators - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

information, associations

Andy Reynolds video from our Wind & Solar Electricity author: wind and solar home electricity generation, a basic primer on the systems
Renewable UK trade association for wind energy in the UK, formerly the British Wind Energy Association
DistGen top 10 wind energy myths
Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) microgeneration certification scheme for suppliers and installers of renewable energy technologies, including heat pumps; find installers of renewables in their directory
Wikipedia entry for wind power
Wikipedia list of offshore wind farms by country
Wind Denmark very successfully promoting wind energy in Denmark
Wind Empowerment association for the development of locally-built small wind turbines for sustainable rural electrification
Wind Power in the UK report on wind power in the UK by the Sustainable Development Commission
World Wind Energy Association promoting the worldwide deployment of wind energy technology


Green Terra Firma do-it-yourself wind turbine project
Homesteading 15 DIY turbine ideas
Mother Earth News DIY wind turbine
Other Power US site run by off-gridders, with info on ‘homebrew’ wind turbines and other renewable technologies
Scoraig Wind website of the build-your-own-turbine guru Hugh Piggott
Self-sufficient Living 21 DIY wind turbine designs

Check the wind speed for your location

NOABL interactive map with UK wind speeds at 10, 25 & 45m
Renew-Reuse-Recycle find the average wind speed at your location using your postcode
XCWeather current wind speeds and temperatures around the UK


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