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  • natural soaps course
  • Natural soaps course

    1. Introduction (pdf)

    2. Soap history (pdf)

    3. Why make your own natural soaps? (pdf)

    4. Soap chemistry (pdf)

    5. The fundamentals: measuring, temperature, trace, super fatting, setting, cutting, curing etc. (pdf)

    6. Introduction and fundamentals (video)

    7. Equipment (pdf)

    8. Equipment (video)

    9. Ingredients (pdf)

    10. Ingredients (video)

    11. Botanicals for well-being, skin nourishment and dyes (pdf)

    12. Aroma crafting: the art of blending oils (pdf)

    13. Fragrances and colours (video)

    14. Cold process soap-making and recipes (pdf)

    15. Cold process soap-making (video)

    16. Hot process soap-making and recipes (pdf)

    17. Hot process soap-making (video)

    18. Rebatching (pdf)

    19. Rebatching (video)

    20. Liquid soap-making and recipes (pdf)

    21. Liquid soap-making (video)

    22. Cream soap-making and recipes (pdf)

    23. Cream soap-making (video)

    24. Finishing, decorating and packaging (pdf)

    25. Finishing, decorating and packaging (video)

    26. Craft your own soap recipes (pdf)

    27. Selling your soap: safety, regulations, labelling, trading standards etc. (pdf)

    28. Glossary (pdf)

    29. Resources (pdf)

    Any questions?

    Questions about soap making: you can post queries at the bottom of our natural soaps topic page.

    Questions / problems about the course: contact us.

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