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  • campaign to develop the community supported agriculture csa network in the uk
  • Posted March 10th, 2014

    Campaign to develop the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network in the UK

    Campaign to develop the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network in the UK

    Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and the local community, in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared. Benefits are enjoyed by both sides: farmers can receive a more stable and secure income and closer connection with their community, and consumers can benefit by eating fresh healthy food, feeling more connected to the land where their food is grown and learning new skills.

    Over the last five years we’ve seen interest in community supported agriculture really take off across the UK and so now we’ve established a national network to build on this momentum and help new projects start up.

    Our network is a co-operative, which means what we do is defined by community supported agriculture groups. Our long term aim is to help reconnect communities and farmers across the UK, creating a fairer, more open and sustainable food system.

    We want to build a new relationship between farmers and consumers based on mutual trust and openness. Our new network will promote community supported agriculture and give essential support to farmers, growers and communities who are changing our food system from the bottom up.

    We need to raise money for a new website to promote and map CSA projects across the UK, to put on regional CSA events, to make the website even better and more useful with interactive networking tools and to put on a national conference for CSA projects to learn, share and celebrate their achievements – providing a platform to build on for the future.

    We see it as fundamentally important that we raise income from our own movement, so we can have a sustainable future and keep an independent voice, owned by the members. This is our network and our chance to spread the CSA message far and wide, so I do hope you’ll join us.

    Visit our Buzzbnk page to support our new network.

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