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  • Posted January 3rd, 2019

    Chagfood community market garden apprenticeships on offer in 2019

    Chagfood community market garden apprenticeships on offer in 2019

    Could 2019 be the year you learn how to set up and run a community market garden? Chagfood, a CSA scheme based in Chagford, Devon, is offering two apprenticeship opportunities from April to October.

    What is Chagfood?

    Chagfood is a six-acre Community Market Garden on the north-east edge of Dartmoor supplying 100 veg-shares a week to local households. We are going into our tenth season and are looking for two hard-working, enthusiastic apprentices to join our growing team for six-months from mid April – mid October 2019. 

    What will apprentices be doing?

    We are able to offer an informal but comprehensive apprenticeship programme providing training in all aspects of setting-up and running a successful community supported market garden, from crop planning to sowing, cultivation, transplanting, organic crop husbandry, harvesting, marketing and business management.

    Is accommodation provided?

    Yes! We are able to provide basic but clean and tidy caravans for accommodation on our site along with a field kitchen, drinking water and a compost loo. We also offer £50 per week as a living allowance in addition to fresh vegetables from our fields. In return we ask for our apprentice to work four days a week, averaging 9-hours a day, to be enthusiastic, practical and willing to learn and work as part of a hard working team.

    Chagfood apprentices

    How can I apply?

    Applicants should send an email to chagfood@gmail.com outlining why you are interested in the apprenticeship, what experience – if any – you have in market gardening and what qualities you think you will bring to our team. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 7th January 2019 and interviews will take place during the week of the 14th January.

    Please feel free to circulate the position to other interested individuals and if you have any questions please send us an email or call Ed on 07858 381539 or Dan on 07729 305393.

    Chagfood is a community supported market garden supplying year-round organic vegetable shares to Chagford and its neighbouring parishes on the edge of Dartmoor. It also has a sister project, Chagfarm.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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