As autumn approaches, the threat of dry, cracked lips is all too familiar a thought. Buying lipbalm is just not an option for me as 1) it’s made with chemicals and 2) you have to buy it in really small plastic containers that can’t be recycled.
So here’s my cheap, easy, homemade lipbalm alternative! I enjoyed making these, I hope you will too. They’d make great presents for friends and family.

Microwave OR saucepan
Glass bowl
Grater *
Table Spoon
Small containers for your finished product (empty “hotel sized” jam jars, old lip balm tubs, “condiment” plastic tubs you may have lying around or you can buy specific tins online)
Homemade Lipbalm Ingredients

2 tbsp Coconut oil (can be bulk bought in glass jars in most supermarkets)
2 tbsp Beeswax (cheaply bought in bulk online – can also be used to make beeswax wraps)
1 tsp sweet almond oil (you may have to order this online)
5-10 drops of your favourite essential oil such as rose or peppermint

Put 2tbsp each of coconut oil and grated beeswax in glass bowl.

Melt your homepade lipbalm ingredients in a microwave for 30 seconds or on top of an inch of water in a small saucepan.

Add almond oil and essential oil if using, give it a good stir.

Empty into your container(s).

Let sit until hardened.
Enjoy the feeling of saving the earth whilst saving your lips with your very own homemade lipbalm.
*You may want to buy a cheap grater just for making homemade products as beeswax can be hard to wash off.
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I want to try this but don’t have any small containers at the moment and I’m trying to not buy things I don’t need (even those small metal containers are probably shipped halfway round the world several times – if you count source materials and manufacture). What about using the smallest jar I can find? I have had those small hotel sized jam jars in the past but put them in the recycling because I had no use for them and no space to keep them.
I’ve used those small jam jars for things like this before – you can also put it on your local freegle / freecycle site and see if anyone has any lipbalm-size tins you could sterilise.