Visit properties refurbished for energy efficiency around the country in September
SuperHome Open Days this September promise to be extra exciting with at least six recently refurbished homes opening to the public for the first time. Around 50 pioneering households are preparing to open their doors across the UK.
If you are considering improving your own home, this is a golden opportunity to visit a similar property and get a real feel for the type of home energy improvements that you could make. When it comes to exploring your options ‘Seeing really is believing’.
If you like the sound of increased comfort, reduced energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint, visiting a SuperHome will definitely inspire. In every SuperHome you’ll find a range of technologies including heating, insulation and renewable energy solutions. Many SuperHomers offer tours and Q&A sessions, so you can quiz the owners to help you decide whether a particular improvement is for you. You’ll see the technologies installed and in use, making a house visit a much more satisfying experience than browsing the internet for ideas.
Here’s an example of a Superhome that you can visit, in Birmingham.
SuperHomes are older homes refurbished by their owners, resulting in a carbon saving of at least 60%. These pioneers have achieved thermal comfort and low energy use without compromise. You’ll find none of the squeezed living spaces typical of many recently built new homes here! Even better, these refurbished older homes are around 40% more energy efficient in terms of their energy use per square meter than the average UK home. This is quite some achievement, given that many are larger family homes built in Victorian times. In short, these properties represent some of the UK homes most improved for energy use!
Entry remains free but this year we would greatly welcome online donations to help us keep the events this way in future years. We’ll add more openers as their owners confirm dates but to get started simply see:
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