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  • Siraj Izhar

    Siraj Izhar bio

    amp refers to a single unit of current free to navigate the circuits (of life). amp is an exploratory space for writing, here and elsewhere, as an extension of the project site, xyzlondon. The writings are a way to work around fences (of whatever kind, both real and mental) through practices of intervention and immersion.

    Articles by

    Siraj Izhar

    The future will be handmade? The prospects for craft skills in ‘developing’ countries

    Siraj Izhar 15-May-2015

    The Future will be handmade? In the information age, the question has an absurd ring. But I ask after listening to Ashoke Chatterjee at the Artisans House in Mumbai. As a long time President of the Crafts Council of India, Chatterjee tells us that ‘The Future will be handmade’. The question mark is mine.  Read more

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