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  • Caroline Bennett

    Caroline Bennett bio

    Caroline is the founder of Sole of Discretion, a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon.

    Articles by

    Caroline Bennett

    Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 3

    Caroline Bennett 03-Oct-2021

    Here’s the third and final part of my interview with Caroline Bennett, founder of ‘Sole of Discretion’ (a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon) about why we should support small fishing boats over giant super-trawlers. We’re talking about how government quotas benefit super-trawlers and disadvantage… Continue reading Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 3 Read more

    Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 2

    Caroline Bennett 19-Sep-2021

    Here’s Part 2 of my interview with Caroline Bennett, founder of ‘Sole of Discretion’, a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon. Here we talk about the life of small fishing boat skippers. Read more

    Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 1

    Caroline Bennett 05-Sep-2021

    Here’s Part 1 of our interview with Caroline Bennett, founder of ‘Sole of Discretion’, a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon. Here we’re talking about the sustainability and community benefits of small fishing boats, the barriers that they face, and how her business can help… Continue reading Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 1 Read more

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