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  • Tom Humphries

    Tom Humphries bio

    I've been making pottery in Sheffield since 2012. I bought my wife Helen a wheel for her birthday and ended up getting hooked an pottery myself! It has been frustrating at times but also very rewarding. As a self taught potter I have learnt things the hard way. Sometimes I would open the kiln and hate everything I found. That hurts when you've invested so much time in the making process. I don't like to be beaten by anything. So I spent hours upon hours reading about glaze ingredients, throwing techniques and making processes. Little by little I have improved to the stage where I am actually pleased with most of the stuff I pull out of the kiln.

    Articles by

    Tom Humphries

    Beginners’ guide to firing pottery in a small gas kiln

    Tom Humphries 06-Oct-2021

    We recently interviewed potter Tom Humphries, and he gave advice about making a living from making pottery. Here he gives advice for beginners about firing pottery in a small gas kiln. Read more

    Career change? Making a living from making pottery

    Tom Humphries 25-Jul-2021

    At Lowimpact.org we’re interested in helping to bring production back to communities, and so we’re going to be talking with craftspeople, smallholders, natural builders, renewables installers and small business owners in our range of topics. I’ll be asking them about their jobs, and for advice for other people who are interested in doing similar things. Read more

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