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    Glassblowing posts

    Craft in a crisis: helping heritage crafts come back from the brink

    With a host of already endangered heritage crafts at even greater risk as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, what does the future hold and how can we play a part in helping heritage crafts survive and even thrive? Sophie Paterson explores. Read more

    What we’re losing: the joy and satisfaction of crafting things by hand

    Jan Zalud of janzalud.co.uk | 12-Mar-2017 | 3

    The video below shows various stages of the production and finish of a 1-metre tall puppet by Jan Zalud. Jan makes all sorts of things – crafted by hand from wood. Read more

    The future will be handmade? The prospects for craft skills in ‘developing’ countries

    Siraj Izhar of Amplife | 15-May-2015 | 8

    The Future will be handmade? In the information age, the question has an absurd ring. But I ask after listening to Ashoke Chatterjee at the Artisans House in Mumbai. As a long time President of the Crafts Council of India, Chatterjee tells us that ‘The Future will be handmade’. The question mark is mine.  Read more

    Craft skills are too important to lose

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Apr-2013 | 0

    How many people do you know these days whose work involves traditional craft skills? For every craftsperson in the UK, there must be a couple of thousand working in telesales. Read more

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