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Sewing posts

The return of local, natural fabrics and low-impact clothing

A recent surge in small ethical brands marks a new wave of a textile economy with a lower impact on the earth. Below are ten places you can find UK-made low impact goods.   Read more

Repair & maintain: how to keep your beloved clothes in your life for longer

Sarah Young of | 09-Apr-2019 | 2

Keen to repair your clothes? You’re not alone! We hear from Anca at about a growing movement challenging fast fashion. Read more

The linen journey: locally-grown flax to yarn

In a spin-off from The Wool Journey series of blog posts, The Natural Fibre Company shares The Linen Journey, in which Sonja Bargielowska explores flax’s journey from field to yarn. Read more

My plastic-free life: an interview with Kate Armstrong

You may remember from our post in May that the month of June marks The Marine Conservation Society’s Plastic Challenge. But what is it actually like to give up plastic? We spoke to campaigner Kate Armstrong of about her decade-long journey towards and campaign for a plastic-free existence. Read more

New publication: a knitting and textiles tour of Scotland by folding bicycle has a new publication, about a 57-year-old (sorry Janet) woman’s decision to leave her home in Ayrshire and take a grand tour of Scotland on a Brompton folding bicycle, visiting and giving workshops for textile groups along the way. Read more

Our partner Janet’s upcoming knitting, spinning, sewing & craft tour of Scotland by folding bicycle

Knit 1 Bike 1 – a journey, a book and an exhibition: Janet Renouf-Miller of Create With Fibre sets off on 29th June 2015, on a Brompton folding bicycle to cycle 850 miles round Scotland, giving free talks and workshops in exchange for accommodation. Read more

Craftivism: new year’s revolution!

Barley Massey of Fabrications | 17-Jan-2013 | 0

New Year Revolutions! Revolution = A turning, change (dictionary definition). It’s the start of a new year again, many of us will have made resolutions, usually to give something up – like smoking. Read more

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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