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  • native british pond plants
  • Posted May 31st, 2023

    Native British pond plants

    Native British pond plants

    Native british pond plants

    Having a good range of aquatic plants in your pond is essential for attracting a wide range of animal species. In extreme cases they can even kick start the local environment by creating a haven of insects that larger animals, such as birds, bats amphibians etc, can feed from.

    By selectively choosing native species over cultivated forms you can ensure that nectar levels and their availability are optimal for the local wildlife. This also helps to create a more balanced ecosystem as well as providing important food sources over a longer period of time during the year.

    Native oxygenating plants

    In addition to help oxygenate the water, these submerged pond plants perform other valuable functions. Firstly, they keep down the level of water soluble nutrients by absorbing them directly from the water which in turn helps to reduce algae levels by conditioning the water. Secondly, they can provide a shady refuge for frogs, toads and their spawn. They also help to support microscopic aquatic species and provide food for water snails.

    Water milfoil – Myriophyllum spicatum
    Water starwort – Callitriche verna
    Hair grass – Eleocharis acicularis

    Native marginal plants

    This is the ‘engine room’ of your wildlife pond. Marginal plants provide shelter, protect smaller creatures from predators, and cast shade upon the ponds surface. This reduces extremes of water temperatures during the summer and helps to reduce algal blooms. They control concentrations of harmful soluble minerals by absorbing them through their root system for use as nutrients. Their flowers attract many native insect varieties and their seeds are a valuable source of food for overwintering birds and animals.

    Acorus calamus – Sweet Flag
    Baldellia Tremuloides – lesser water plantain
    Butomus umbellatus – Pink flowering rush
    Caltha palustris – Marsh marigold
    Carex pendula – Weeping sedge
    Ceratophyllum demersum – Hornwort
    Cyperus longus – Sweet Galingale
    Eriophorum vaginatum – Cotton grass
    Eupatorium Cannabinum – Hemp agrimony
    Iris pseudacorus – Yellow flag iris
    Menyanthes trifoliata- Bogbean
    Mentha aquatica -Water mint
    Ranunculus flammula – Lesser spearwort
    Epilobium angustifolium – Rosebay Willowherb
    Veronica beccabunga – brooklime
    Lychnis flos-cuculi – Ragged robin
    Typha angustifolia – Lesser reedmace (Bulrush)

    Native floating leaved plants

    Floating pond plants help to protect aquatic invertebrates. They also give plenty of shade, once again helping to reduce extremes in summer water temperatures and controlling problematical algal blooms.

    Potamogeton natans – Broad-leaved pondweed
    Persicaria amphibia – Amphibious bistort
    Ranunculus fluitans – Water crowfoot
    Frogbit – Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

    Main image credit – Simon Eade [email protected]

    You can find more content like this from the Garden of Eaden at their YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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