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  • weaving course
  • Weaving course

    Part 1: Introduction

    1. Meet your tutor (pdf)

    2. Introduction (pdf)

    3. Meet your tutor (video)

    4. Introduction (video)

    Part 2: Simple frame looms

    5. Weaving on a simple frame loom (pdf)

    6. The Dinky loom (video)

    7. How to change colour (video)

    8. Changing to a smaller needle (video)

    9. Finishing on a Dinky loom (video)

    10. The Midi loom (video)

    11. Starting to weave on a Midi loom (video)

    12. Adding texture to the weaving (video)

    13. Finishing with a straight edge (video)

    Part 3: Scarf looms

    14. Weaving on a Scarf loom (pdf)

    15. Scarf looms (video)

    16. Warping a Scarf loom (video)

    17. Weaving on a Scarf loom (video)

    18. How to fix the warp if it comes off the pins (video)

    19. Finishing on a Scarf loom (video)

    20. The fringe (video)

    21. Taking the scarf off the loom (video)

    22. Trimming the fringe (video)

    Part 4: Rigid Heddle loom

    23. The Rigid Heddle loom (pdf)

    24. Rigid Heddle looms (video)

    Part 5: Warping the loom

    25. Warping the loom (pdf)

    26. Warping up a Rigid Heddle loom and removing the peg (video)

    27. Winding the warp onto the loom (video)

    28. The weaving position (video)

    29. Threading the holes (video)

    30. Tying the groups of threads onto the loom (video)

    31. Tension and secure the threads (video)

    32. Weaving the header (video)

    Part 6: Basic weaving

    33. Basic weaving, edge control and having fun with texture (pdf)

    34. Starting to weave (video)

    35. How to add texture (video)

    36. Wonky weaving and more colours (video)

    Part 7: colour

    37. Working with more than one colour (pdf)

    38. How to change colour (video)

    Part 8: Finishing

    39. Finishing the weaving (pdf)

    40. Cutting the weaving off the loom (video)

    41. How to twist the fringe (video)

    42. Dealing with the ends (video)

    Part 9: broken threads

    43. What to do if a warp thread breaks (pdf)

    44. Repairing and finishing the weaving (video)

    Part 10: Hemstitching

    45. How to do hemstitching (pdf)

    46. Finish the weaving with hemstitching (video)

    Part 11: Resources

    47. Further resources (pdf)

    48. Some woven items, books and resources (video)

    Any questions?

    Questions about weaving: you can post queries at the bottom of our weaving topic page.

    Questions / problems about the course: contact us.

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