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  • Phil Moore

    Phil Moore bio

    Phil is communications officer for the Ecological Land Co-op.

    Articles by

    Phil Moore

    The Ecological Land Co-op are currently recruiting for two new roles

    Phil Moore 18-Dec-2017

    The Ecological Land Cooperative (ELC) is a social enterprise based in Brighton, East Sussex. They exist to create affordable access to land for new entrants to ecological agriculture and mixed farming. Read more

    Opportunity to rent (or cropshare) 7 organic acres in Sussex

    Phil Moore 29-Oct-2017

    There are 7 acres on offer with this rental rent or organic cropshare opportunity in Sussex (postcode TN35 4AP). It’s across the road from the village of Fairlight and a 5 minute drive to Hastings. Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op share offer extended after exceeding target: help us change the way land is owned in the UK

    Phil Moore 07-Jun-2017

    WOW! We’ve surpassed our initial maximum target of £340,000, and there are still FOUR days to go. Our new investors are helping us continue our work supporting small-scale, agro-ecological farming. Thank you! Read more

    Help the Ecological Land Co-operative to set up more smallholdings

    Phil Moore 29-Apr-2017

    You can join the Ecological Land Co-operative as an investor, by moving some money from your bank savings account (and receiving a better rate of interest). If you agree with the ELC’s principles, this would be extremely helpful. Read more

    Are you interested in becoming a smallholder and building your own home? Help the Ecological Land Co-op make it happen

    Phil Moore 23-Jul-2016

    If you would like to build your own home on a smallholding, and produce food, fuel and other products for your family and your local community, but can’t see any way that it could happen, then the Ecological Land Co-op want to hear from you.  Read more

    The Ecological Land Co-op has purchased more land to create ecological smallholdings

    Phil Moore 18-Jun-2016

    Here’s a quick overview of what the Ecological Land Co-op does, before going on to their latest news. The problem that they were formed to solve is that many people who would like to build a home made from local, sustainable materials, Read more

    Brighton’s iconic earthship: appeal for upgrade of energy and water systems

    Phil Moore 15-Oct-2015

    Earthships are self-contained living vessels that don’t rely on mains water or energy from big companies. Earthships use natural systems to provide all their own utilities — solar energy for heat and power, and rain for water Read more

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