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  • Doug King-Smith

    Doug King-Smith bio

    Doug and Claire King-Smith own and manage the Hillyfield, 45 acres of ancient woodland and organic pasture managed for environmental and community benefit. They have two young boys and a mountain of dreams to give community inspired woodland management a positive future on Dartmoor. The Hillyfield offers a lot of things to a lot of people – all centred around caring for the land, restoring the ancient woodland and providing opportunities to get involved.

    Articles by

    Doug King-Smith

    Develop skills at the Hillyfield barn-building project on Dartmoor this summer

    Doug King-Smith 04-Jun-2019

    Low-impact forestry hub and much more besides, the Hilliyfield are looking for volunteers to help with their barn-building project on Dartmoor this summer. Doug King-Smith tells us more. Read more

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