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    Use-credit obligations posts

    Commons housing: another brief explainer, this time by Dil Green

    Brief introduction to a new model of commons housing to replace the current, broken housing market. Read more

    Stroud Commons part 1: We’re putting our house into the ‘commons’. Follow our progress and replicate it in your community

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Jan-2023 | 5

    In 2023 I’d like to see a move towards a new system, rather than futile attempts to ‘fix’ capitalism. I don’t think it’s necessary to to try to persuade the majority of people of this. There are enough of us already to kick-start the necessary change. I’d just like to bring to your attention the new ideas that are emerging for building this new system – the commons economy. Read more

    A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

    This is Part 2 of an interview with Tom Woodroof, who made the move from the world of nuclear physics to the world of mutual credit and monetary change. I’m going to find out more about his work, and how it can contribute to (quite revolutionary) change. Read more

    Introducing the Credit Commons Society

    The Credit Commons Society has been formed to promote and educate about, and to govern the Credit Commons protocol as it evolves to serve the needs of more groups, in the same way that the Linux Foundation looks after the Linux operating system. Read more

    How to spread the idea of (much) more radical change?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Aug-2022 | 5

    We need system change, no less (i.e. system replacement, rather than trying to tweak this fundamentally damaging system). Here, I want to talk more about how I came to this conclusion, and what the route to radical change might be. Read more

    New tools and ideas for building the commons economy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jul-2022 | 6

    The Commons economy is not, like capitalism, built around the private ownership of the means of production – but neither is it, like socialism, built on the state ownership of those means. It’s about reinstating the commons, that have been gradually enclosed over the centuries, first by the state and more recently by capitalists. Read more

    Saving and investment in a mutual credit world

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Apr-2021 | 12

    Nothing we do to try to move to a sustainable, healthy and democratic society will work as long as we have the current money system, because money has two conflicting functions. It can be used to buy and sell things, and it can be used to store, hoard, accumulate and become wealthy with. As long… Continue reading Saving and investment in a mutual credit world Read more

    Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook

    Chris Cook of Island Power | 20-Dec-2020 | 14

    This is the third in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Today I’m talking with Chris Cook. He was the designer of… Continue reading Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook Read more

    Chris Cook’s tour of the oil markets: from Nixon to Trump

    Chris Cook of Island Power | 31-May-2020 | 4

    Today I’m talking with Chris Cook, who designed and built the Iranian Oil Bourse (see Wikipedia for a timeline of the events Chris describes), which could help move the world away from the petrodollar. We’ll be talking more about that later. Read more

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