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    Use-credit obligations posts

    Festival of Commoning, Sep 2024: tickets now on sale

    Tickets for the Festival of Commoning are now on sale. Stroud, Sep 13 & 14, 2024. Read more

    Rebuilding the flax / textile industry as a commons: Fantasy Fibre Mill

    Dave Darby of Stroud Commons and Lowimpact.org talks with Rosie Bristow and Nick Evans of Fantasy Fibre Mill, working to resurrect the flax / linen industry in the UK, as a commons. Read more

    Stroud Housing Commons: latest developments

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-May-2024 | 0

    We’re building a housing commons in Stroud, and recording everything so that it’s replicable in any town. We’re finalising our partnership agreement, after which we’ll put the first house in the commons. Read more

    I was interviewed about the commons by the ‘Voice of Islam’ radio station

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Mar-2024 | 0

    I was invited to be interviewed about the commons and mutual credit for a show on the radio station ‘Voice of Islam’ called ‘Beyond Capitalism: Mutual Economics’. Read more

    Festival of Commoning, Stroud, Gloucs, Sep 13-15, 2024

    A Festival of Commoning in the UK: Stroud, Gloucestershire, September 13/14/15 2024. The time is right for a Festival of the Commons. Read more

    Bath presentation: introducing the commons

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-Jan-2024 | 0

    We were invited to give a presentation at the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution on Jan 9th. Here’s the transcript and slides. Read more

    Explaining the commons economy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Dec-2023 | 6

    The word ‘commons’ can mean different things to different people. We’ve been working with specialists to help build the commons economy, so we’d like to concisely describe what we mean, and how you can join us. Read more

    Helping commons groups form and grow in Stroud and other towns (and countries)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 05-Dec-2023 | 2

    Commons ideas have gone down well in Stroud and we have thriving groups in various sectors. We’ve been approached by formative groups in several towns in the UK and in other countries. Read more

    ‘Bear ye one another’s burdens’: friendly societies for social welfare

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 30-Oct-2023 | 1

    Every neighbourhood had a friendly society. At their height, just before WW1 9 million people were members of friendly societies in the UK! Read more

    How to build an energy commons

    This is a draft outline of a design for an energy commons in any town – an energy sector owned by communities, providing affordable, locally-generated, renewable energy. Read more

    Decentralising power: the why, what, how and who of growing the commons economy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Oct-2023 | 11

    Why we need to replace capitalism with a commons economy; who will do it and how. Read more

    ‘Climbing commons’: community-owned climbing centres

    We’re following the exploits of Stroud Commons, in trying to build a commons economy for the town, and helping groups to launch in other towns. As well as a core group, there are now groups forming for various sectors of the economy, including housing, energy, land/food/water, community spaces – and now, climbing! Read more

    Taking the water industry off the water companies: Julian Jones of Water21, Part 1

    Julian Jones of Water21 | 12-Aug-2023 | 0

    Part 1 of an interview with Julian Jones, a water engineer and distinguished fellow of the Schumacher Institute, about building a water commons for Stroud. Read more

    Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy

    Amrit Sachar of Stroud Commons | 23-Jul-2023 | 0

    This is the latest in a series of articles documenting our group’s attempts to build the commons economy in Stroud, in a way that can be implemented in other towns, and connected together to build the foundations of a new, commons economy. It covers what we’ve done so far, and how people can get involved. Read more

    Move over #DeFi & #ReFi; hello #CoFi – collaborative finance for the commons

    Matthew Slater reports on the first Collaborative Finance Gathering at the Commons Hub, Austria, May 22-28, 2023, where the concept of ‘co-fi’ was born. Read more

    Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

    Building the commons may be hard in wealthier countries, where traditions of mutual aid were lost many years ago. But they’re still alive and well in other parts of the world – as this article by Janet of Grassroots Economics / Sarafu Network shows. I interviewed the director of Grassroots Economics, Shaila Agha, who told me about ‘chamas’ in Kenya – mutual savings groups, built on trusted relationships in local communities. Read more

    Stroud Commons part 3: ‘Money Talks’ public event with Brett Scott, May 19

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-Apr-2023 | 0

    Stroud ‘commoners club’ is hosting a public event at the Trinity Rooms in Stroud on Friday, May 19 at 7pm. If you live in Stroud, please do come along, and if you know anyone in Stroud, please let them know. Read more

    Matthew Slater’s review of recent money news

    Matthew Slater, co-author of the Credit Commons white paper, produces a biannual (usually!) roundup of money news he finds interesting. Here’s the latest. Read more

    Stroud Commons part 2: starting a ‘commoners club’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Mar-2023 | 3

    A group of us in Stroud (Gloucs) have formed a ‘commoners club’ to try to build commons infrastructure here, and to document what happens so that it can be replicated in other towns. Read more

    Career change? Work with Mutual Credit Services

    Invitation to apply to work with Mutual Credit Services. We’ve got more work in prospect than we can handle, and what we really need now is more creative human capacity. Read more

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