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  • stroud commons part 3 money talks public event with brett scott may 19
  • Posted April 23rd, 2023

    Stroud Commons part 3: ‘Money Talks’ public event with Brett Scott, May 19

    Stroud Commons part 3: ‘Money Talks’ public event with Brett Scott, May 19

    Stroud ‘commoners club’ is hosting a public event (‘Money Talks’) at the Trinity Rooms in Stroud on Friday, May 19 at 7pm. If you live in Stroud, please do come along, and if you know anyone in Stroud, please let them know. See poster, below.

    Brett Scott, author of the Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance and Cloud Money, is coming along to tell us about how the money system works to benefit a tiny minority.

    Brett blogs here and his YouTube channel is here; I reviewed his latest book, Cloud Money: Cash, Cards, Crypto and the War for our Wallets, here; and I interviewed Brett here and here.

    I’ll be talking about how I discovered where money comes from; how money is concentrated in few hands, in ways that damage democracy; and how I discovered various tools that can be used to change the money system so that it is centred in communities, and how we can use those tools in Stroud, via interviews with specialists: Mutual Credit (Tom Greco, Shaila Agha, Will Ruddick, Michael Linton, Sue Bell, Mercedes Bidart); Credit Clearing (Tomaž Fleischman, Hans-Florian Hoyer, Michael Hallam); Credit Commons (Matthew Slater); and Use-Credit Obligations (Chris Cook, Marcus Saul).

    Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services will also talk about how they’re implementing these ideas with businesses and communities around the world.

    There will be a Q&A session, and more information on how you can get involved; refreshments available.

    Money Talks

    List of articles about building the commons in Stroud.

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