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    Earthen floors posts

    Virtual International Clayfest 2020 – ‘building’ skills and building ‘skills’

    It’s a highlight of the natural building calendar not to be missed. EBUKI share news of this year’s upcoming virtual Clayfest, exploring and celebrating all things earth building on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th November 2020. Read more

    The differences between insulation and thermal mass

    As the winter months approach here in the UK, natural builder Ziggy Liloia of The Year of Mud goes back to basics to explore the differences between insulation and thermal mass, and why they matter. Read more

    Hartwyn free natural building course: 2019 applications now open

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 04-Apr-2019 | 0

    We hear from Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn about a fantastic free natural building learning opportunity running from June to September 2019. Read more

    Interested in earth building? Come to EBUKI’s mini Clayfest 2019 in Wales!

    Rowland Keable of Earth Building UK and Ireland shares news of a mini but mighty Clayfest 2019 with the theme of building confidence in clay. Read more

    How to make natural non-toxic paint from clay

    Natural builder Sigi Koko shares her tried and tested method of making natural non-toxic paint from clay. Read more

    How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 4)

    Natural builder Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares how to perfect the final finishing layer of an adobe earthen floor. Read more

    How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 3)

    Sigi Koko teaches us the different approaches to the levelling layer in Part 3 of how to build an adobe earthen floor. Read more

    How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 2)

    In Part 2 of how to build an adobe earthen floor, Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design tackles the all important base layer. Read more

    How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 1)

    Natural builder Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares how to build an adobe floor. In Part 1, we learn about the substrate through to the insulation layer critical for any earthen floor. Read more

    Calling all earth-building enthusiasts – come and join Clayfest 2018!

    With nine different earth building techniques covered and a whole host of activity planned, this is the place to be for anyone interested in building with earth. Rowland Keable at EBUKI tells us more. Read more

    A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way?

    Rowland ran rammed earth building courses with us for years. He said then that a C-shaped, rammed earth house with straw-bales for external insulation, and as much glass on the south side and as little glass on the north side as possible, wouldn’t need any heating. We wanted to catch up with him to learn… Continue reading A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way? Read more

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 06-May-2018 | 0

    Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more. Read more

    How to make a Japanese plaster hawk for clay plastering

    Inspired by the magic of traditional Japanese clay plastering, USA-based natural builder Ziggy Liloia of The Year of Mud shares his step-by-step guide to making a Japanese plaster hawk. Read more

    Clayfest, June 12-17: let’s build more homes with earth rather than bricks and cement

    The renaissance of earth building in the UK reflects not only the beauty and utility of the material but also the pressures of rising building costs and the need for lower energy use and waste in building products. Read more

    Why cement should never be used with natural buildings

    Barbara Jones of Straw Works | 10-Feb-2016 | 19

    I am often asked to help with other people’s designs, but one of my principles is never to design with cement. Not everyone knows this about me, and I was recently asked what my general experience was with stem walls made of concrete Read more

    Earth Building UK are looking for two new directors – can you help?

    Earth Building UK is a registered charity involved in a wide range of activities to do with all aspects of earth building. We don’t know exactly how many earth buildings there are in the UK – many thousands certainly, and built using a wide range of techniques. Read more

    Why ‘rammed earth’ doesn’t contain cement

    Earth building, including rammed earth building, produces very low carbon emissions. However, there is a confusion between rammed earth – a mix of clay, sand and stones – and dry-pack concrete, too often called ‘stabilised rammed earth’. Read more

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