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    Land reform posts

    Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe

    We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association. Read more

    You’re invited to the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering

    We hear from Lauren Simpson about plans for the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering & AGM taking place on 14th July on the beautiful Gower Peninsula. Read more

    Lords vs commoners: week of action for land rights, April 14-22

    Land ownership in Britain is one of the most unequal in the world. This is a call out to groups and individuals all over the country who think the time has come for us to have more control of our land. Read more

    Fancy volunteering for the summer at an off-grid, Ecological Land Coop smallholding?

    Hi – we are James and Sukamala, tenants at Wild Geese Acres, Greenham Reach, which is an off-grid, low-impact farming project established in north Devon by the Ecological Land Coop  (ELC) – see website. http://ecologicalland.coop. Read more

    Do you know anyone who might want to donate some land for a sustainable, affordable smallholding legacy?

    The Ecological Land Cooperative has launched a campaign to ask landowners for donations of small parcels of land to create clusters of affordable smallholdings for new entrants to ecological agriculture. Read more

    Proposal for a ‘one planet’ food revolution

    This is the third in a series of articles about ‘one planet’ living – the first in rural areas, and the second in cities. Now we discuss the situation as regards food production. Read more

    My reflections on the Oxford Real Farming Conference 2018

    Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 19-Jan-2018 | 0

    I’ve heard several people say they love going to the Oxford Real Farming Conference because it fires them up for the farming year, and I couldn’t agree more. ORFC is so inspiring to people like us because it was set up by a group frustrated at the lack of representation for organic and small-scale producers… Continue reading My reflections on the Oxford Real Farming Conference 2018 Read more

    How you can help the Landworkers’ Alliance get more farmers and better food in the UK

    All over Europe, for a long time there has been a trend towards larger, monoculture farms and industrial agriculture. Smaller farms have been swallowed up and farmers have been leaving the land in their millions. Read more

    The Ecological Land Co-op are currently recruiting for two new roles

    The Ecological Land Cooperative (ELC) is a social enterprise based in Brighton, East Sussex. They exist to create affordable access to land for new entrants to ecological agriculture and mixed farming. Read more

    How the ‘One Planet Development’ policy is helping people get back onto the land in Wales

    Something special is happening in Wales. The country is using legislation to shift itself into a very different direction from England. It wants to be more sustainable. It wants to reduce its ‘ecological footprint’ to a level that’s fair compared to the rest of the planet’s population and resources. Read more

    What’s the best thing to do with the uplands, in terms of sustainability?

    Emma Olliff of RegenerEat | 14-Nov-2017 | 19

    This is a question asked in an interesting debate on Facebook along the lines of uplands and their appropriate maintenance with regards to grazing. There are several fascinating projects and opinion pieces that were linked to Read more

    ‘Land for What?’ meeting in Leicester tomorrow (sorry for short notice, but it’s worth it)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 10-Nov-2017 | 0

    Sorry for the ridiculously short notice, but if you’re interested in land issues, and have nothing on this weeked, this is really worth getting yourself to. Read more

    Opportunity to rent (or cropshare) 7 organic acres in Sussex

    There are 7 acres on offer with this rental rent or organic cropshare opportunity in Sussex (postcode TN35 4AP). It’s across the road from the village of Fairlight and a 5 minute drive to Hastings. Read more

    Would you like to become a member of a nature-based permaculture community on the Isle of Skye?

    Ludwig Appeltans of Earth Ways | 01-Oct-2017 | 13

    Since December 2016, I, Ludwig Appeltans am the proud owner and custodian of the most beautiful peninsula in Scotland. Read more

    So you want to be a farmer? Thirteen words of wisdom from me to myself

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 03-Sep-2017 | 0

    In this post based on an original at Small Farm Future, farmer Chris Smaje relates words of wisdom curated as part of a talk he gave at the Oxford Real Farming Conference in 2016. Read more

    A matter of scale: how small farms provide more jobs and more food per acre

    Our new report, “A Matter of Scale”, highlights how a diverse and vibrant sector of small farms is providing employment, attracting new entrants and incubating entrepreneurs. Read more

    Seeking a venue: course on how to create a One Planet Development

    I am seeking venues around the country to run an exciting course that will help participants prepare for starting and living on a One Planet Development. Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op share offer extended after exceeding target: help us change the way land is owned in the UK

    WOW! We’ve surpassed our initial maximum target of £340,000, and there are still FOUR days to go. Our new investors are helping us continue our work supporting small-scale, agro-ecological farming. Thank you! Read more

    Help the Ecological Land Co-operative to set up more smallholdings

    You can join the Ecological Land Co-operative as an investor, by moving some money from your bank savings account (and receiving a better rate of interest). If you agree with the ELC’s principles, this would be extremely helpful. Read more

    New Ecological Land Co-op share offer launched: here’s a chance to help bring about change in land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for your trouble!

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Apr-2017 | 1

    Please share this as widely as you can. I’m on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op, and so I know how much hard work has gone into this – it’s an opportunity for people to shift their money to help change the nature of land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for… Continue reading New Ecological Land Co-op share offer launched: here’s a chance to help bring about change in land ownership in the UK, and receive 3% interest for your trouble! Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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