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    Commons economy posts

    Helping commons groups form and grow in Stroud and other towns (and countries)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 05-Dec-2023 | 2

    Commons ideas have gone down well in Stroud and we have thriving groups in various sectors. We’ve been approached by formative groups in several towns in the UK and in other countries. Read more

    You can help develop non-corporate digital tools to support collaboration between community groups

    Are you sick of having to always use corporate software, that uses your data to track your activities, to try to sell you things, and who knows what else? Read more

    Restanza and the cultural commons

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 20-Nov-2023 | 0

    We’d like to see the commons economy grow to allow people (especially young people) to stay in their communities, rather than having to move to big cities to work in the corporate sector and pay extortionate rents. Here, Paul Jennings (who we’re liaising with about the commons in Llandeilo) talks about the concept of ‘Restanza’… Continue reading Restanza and the cultural commons Read more

    Free online: 2024 revised and expanded edition of ‘The End of Money’

    Tom Greco of Beyond Money | 06-Nov-2023 | 1

    I read the first edition of this book around 12 years ago. It changed my life and put me on the path to where I am now – trying to build the commons economy. New 2024 edition, free online. Read more

    ‘Bear ye one another’s burdens’: friendly societies for social welfare

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 30-Oct-2023 | 1

    Every neighbourhood had a friendly society. At their height, just before WW1 9 million people were members of friendly societies in the UK! Read more

    How to build an energy commons

    This is a draft outline of a design for an energy commons in any town – an energy sector owned by communities, providing affordable, locally-generated, renewable energy. Read more

    Decentralising power: the why, what, how and who of growing the commons economy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Oct-2023 | 11

    Why we need to replace capitalism with a commons economy; who will do it and how. Read more

    ‘Climbing commons’: community-owned climbing centres

    We’re following the exploits of Stroud Commons, in trying to build a commons economy for the town, and helping groups to launch in other towns. As well as a core group, there are now groups forming for various sectors of the economy, including housing, energy, land/food/water, community spaces – and now, climbing! Read more

    New commons group and public event: Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 16-Sep-2023 | 0

    Llandeilo commons: invitation to join a formative group and public event in West Wales. Read more

    How to bring the water industry into community ownership: Julian Jones of Water21, Part 2

    Julian Jones of Water21 | 26-Aug-2023 | 0

    part 2 of an interview (see video below for more details – well worth it!) with Julian Jones, a water engineer and distinguished fellow of the Schumacher Institute, who has worked and provided consultancy for water companies, NGOs, the Environment Agency, universities and governments. Read more

    Taking the water industry off the water companies: Julian Jones of Water21, Part 1

    Julian Jones of Water21 | 12-Aug-2023 | 0

    Part 1 of an interview with Julian Jones, a water engineer and distinguished fellow of the Schumacher Institute, about building a water commons for Stroud. Read more

    More on the money problem: it doesn’t have to be ‘scarce’

    Following on from a recent post by Tom Greco, on the essential nature of money, Dil Green of Lowimpact.org and Mutual Credit Services here talks about its apparent scarcity, how that negatively affects our communities and our well-being, and how it could be different – based on mutual credit and the commons economy. Read more

    Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy

    Amrit Sachar of Stroud Commons | 23-Jul-2023 | 0

    This is the latest in a series of articles documenting our group’s attempts to build the commons economy in Stroud, in a way that can be implemented in other towns, and connected together to build the foundations of a new, commons economy. It covers what we’ve done so far, and how people can get involved. Read more

    Building back differently: peasant economics and heritage craft

    Eloise Sentito of These Isles | 16-Jul-2023 | 5

    If a fair share of the planet is a couple of ‘useful’ global hectares per individual, the planet could sustain about 10 billion people living primitively. Read more

    An authoritarian world government is not going to save us

    A growing question for environmentalists is the extent to which the existential threat we face means that countries and populations should be forced to reduce consumption, and hence whether an authoritarian politics is the best way to face the future. Read more

    Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 2: how should we respond to the collapse of capitalism?

    Jem Bendell of JemBendell.com | 02-Jul-2023 | 0

    This is the second part of a conversation between Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse. Read more

    Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 1: is industrial capitalism coming to an end?

    Jem Bendell of JemBendell.com | 25-Jun-2023 | 6

    This is the first part of a conversation between Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse. Read more

    Move over #DeFi & #ReFi; hello #CoFi – collaborative finance for the commons

    Matthew Slater reports on the first Collaborative Finance Gathering at the Commons Hub, Austria, May 22-28, 2023, where the concept of ‘co-fi’ was born. Read more

    Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

    Building the commons may be hard in wealthier countries, where traditions of mutual aid were lost many years ago. But they’re still alive and well in other parts of the world – as this article by Janet of Grassroots Economics / Sarafu Network shows. I interviewed the director of Grassroots Economics, Shaila Agha, who told me about ‘chamas’ in Kenya – mutual savings groups, built on trusted relationships in local communities. Read more

    How co-operation developed in nature and humans: implications for building the commons

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 28-May-2023 | 3

    I came across a fascinating study from the Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organisation, and I’d like to share a summary with you. It’s a fascinating read if (like me) you’re interested in helping build the commons in your community. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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