Info, news & debate

05/2022 posts

Is it time to rethink the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Dave Darby of | 29-May-2022 | 3

Time to rethink the UN’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals’: the concepts of ‘development’ and ‘progress’ based on eternal GDP growth are flawed. Read more

Review of Brett Scott’s ‘Cloud Money’

Dave Darby of | 25-May-2022 | 0

Review of Brett Scott’s ‘Cloud Money’, a ‘convoluted payments circuitry, tied together by institutions you cannot see, but who can see you’. Read more

We’re taking on a paid intern: you, maybe?

Dave Darby of | 15-May-2022 | 0

We’re looking for a paid intern. Contact us if you think this might be you, and please do pass it on to anyone you think might be a likely candidate. We initially have up to £600 per month available for the right person, depending on how much time you can put in – and there will be opportunities for you and others to bring in more income to pay for more work for you to do. Read more

Grace Rachmany: comparing ideas for a moneyless economy

eas around currency design and building a new economy based on community / reputation. As with all our interviewees, we think you’ll be interested in her ideas, and what she’s up to. Read more

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