Info, news & debate
Month: November 2020

Re-cooperativising the Co-op Bank? Shaun Fensom of Save Our Bank
Today I’m talking with Shaun Fensom of ‘Save Our Bank’ – the Co-op Bank, that is. But of course it’s not a co-operative any more, and part of what the group wants to do is to help bring the bank back into co-operative ownership.

Paid internship opportunity with Vallis Veg for 2021
Our friends at WWOOF UK share news of a 2021 internship opportunity with the fab folks at Vallis Veg in northeast Somerset.

I’ve got a book deal. I’d like to ask for your advice about how to deliver the message.
I’ve got a book deal with Chelsea Green, which is quite scary. They like my writing style, but the content needs a bit of translating for a wide audience. The Covid pandemic provided the stimulus to bring together a group of specialists to form ‘Mutual Credit Services’ (new website coming soon). My role is in …

Virtual International Clayfest 2020 – ‘building’ skills and building ‘skills’
It’s a highlight of the natural building calendar not to be missed. EBUKI share news of this year’s upcoming virtual Clayfest, exploring and celebrating all things earth building on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th November 2020.

Are squirrels or pigeons ‘food’, and should we reintroduce pine martens?
OK, so this isn’t really about squirrels or pigeons – it’s about any animal; we’re back to the veganism vs meat-eating discussion. But just focusing on squirrels and pigeons for the moment, I guess everyone accepts that they are of course food for other animals. They’re in a food chain, after all. Pine martens don’t …

Review: A Complete Guide to Straw Bale Building by Rikki Nitzkin and Maren Termens
Sophie Paterson reviews a valuable new addition to any natural building bookshelf in the form of A Complete Guide to Straw Bale Building by Rikki Nitzkin and Maren Termens, published by Permanent Publications earlier this month.

CoopCycle Federation: aiming for a bicycle courier co-op in every town
Today I’m talking with Claire Stocks of Chorlton Bike Deliveries and Matt Nicholson of York Collective. Both are bicycle courier co-operatives.

Great ways to reduce plastic use in your home: Part 3 – around the home
Explore how to reduce plastic use in the kitchen, living area, bedroom, bathroom and even the garden, with the help of our friends at

Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje
Industrial agriculture and giant monoculture farms dominate our food sector. But does it have to be that way? Could and should we build a new kind of food system based on small farms? This new book, ‘A Small Farm Future’ published by Chelsea Green, outlines what a post-covid, post-capitalist society might look like, built around …