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03/2024 posts

A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.

Dil Green is a founder member of Mutual Credit Services, who are working with Stroud Commons to design models for the commons economy for various sectors of the economy. This article first appeared on his blog 5 years ago, but it’s so relevant to the current commons movement, that we’re re-posting it here. Read more

What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024?

Once famed as a green and pleasant land for its verdant and varied habitat, the UK now ranks as one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. This comes as no surprise to those with an interest in the countryside who have witnessed what has happened to it. Compounding the corruptions of big business… Continue reading What’s happening to hedgerows in 2024? Read more

Easy ways that you can help grow the commons movement

We’ve put out requests for help before – in blog articles, at public events and via word of mouth. And they worked. In Stroud, we now have a core group of 10 people and three sector groups – housing commons, land common and leisure commons, with 8-10 people each. Read more

I was interviewed about the commons by the ‘Voice of Islam’ radio station

Dave Darby of | 11-Mar-2024 | 0

I was invited to be interviewed about the commons and mutual credit for a show on the radio station ‘Voice of Islam’ called ‘Beyond Capitalism: Mutual Economics’. Read more

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Support the lowimpact community – help sustain our site and continue our membership. Read more

Festival of Commoning, Stroud, Gloucs, Sep 13-15, 2024

A Festival of Commoning in the UK: Stroud, Gloucestershire, September 13/14/15 2024. The time is right for a Festival of the Commons. Read more

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