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08/2012 posts

Hydro-electricity community share offer

Hydro power is an attractive source of local renewable energy for Sheffield, which builds on the long history of water power in the city. This artist’s impression shows the fish friendly Archimedes screw turbine we will install at the site. Read more

Overland to Australia part 1

Sam Ryan of | 22-Aug-2012 | 0

Sam Ryan worked for in the UK for a year, and is now on his way overland, with his partner Dani, back home to Australia to set up Low-impact Australia over there. He’s going to send us a few blog articles en route. Read more

The science behind the health benefits of clay plasters

Adam Weismann of Clayworks | 09-Aug-2012 | 0

Clay plasters are beautiful alright – see Clayworks’ efforts in a restaurant in London (above), and see here for some basic information about clay plasters. But for those of you who want more evidence for the benefits of clay plasters, Adam has compiled the information below Read more

Should we have a right to live on the land?

We think so. As long as we do it in a low-impact way. We’re not talking second homes, commuter homes or retirement homes. We’re talking about people who want to work the land organically, be part of the local economy, plant trees, build a home Read more

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

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