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12/2012 posts

Why access to land matters

Well, the world didn’t end yesterday, so let’s make it better in 2013. A crucial element of a just and sustainable world is land reform. Why should so few people own so much land? Here’s a great blog from Shaun about why access to land is so important. Read more

Shale gas: it’s not about fracking earthquakes!

Dave Darby of | 15-Dec-2012 | 0

With thanks to Paul Mobbs. On Dec 13th, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey gave the green light to fracking in the UK to extract shale gas. Read more

Self-build solar lighting for Africa

Norman is our tutor for our build your own solar pv panel course, running in March, May and September next year. He’s developed a way of building small solar electric panels from the scrap from the photovoltaics industry Read more

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