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11/2013 posts

Lime: Swiss army knife of trees

The lime has got to be one of my favourite trees – not just for its tall leafy elegance, but for it’s multitude of uses in bushcraft. When I mention the lime tree on bushcraft courses people sometimes think I am referring to it’s exotic, citrus-bearing namesake! Read more

Transition is a middle class movement: so what?

Dave Darby of | 25-Nov-2013 | 0

I believe that it’s important, but in a positive rather than a negative way. Let me explain. Would you prefer to live in a vibrant community or a dull one? If you’d prefer to live in a dull one, then don’t bother reading any further. Read more

How my cat taught me that nature is merciless

Dave Darby of | 12-Nov-2013 | 0

Here’s my cat – Keith. He looks cute, doesn’t he? But actually, he’s a killer. I’ve seen him torture things for his amusement – he wasn’t hungry and he didn’t want them to die quickly (less fun). Read more

Community-owned energy: how to sideline the big energy companies

Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 01-Nov-2013 | 0

A quick Halloween update from Sharenergy. We’re very proud to say we are involved in 4 great share offers at the moment – spanning wind, hydro, solar and woodfuel technologies and across a swathe of the UK Read more

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