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03/2014 posts

How do you begin with philosophy?

Dave Darby of | 23-Mar-2014 | 0

To get started with philosophy, I think you need three things: a) some idea of where we are – to know what solar systems and galaxies are, and to have a vague idea of how many there are Read more

The top ten economic growth myths

Dave Darby of | 22-Mar-2014 | 0

Are you tired of the lazy assumption on Newsnight, the Today programme and in the news media that economic growth is what’s required to solve all of our problems? It’s the Holy Grail, that-which-cannot-be-questioned, from Evan Davies to Jeremy Paxman. Read more

Egni: sustainable investment and clean energy

Dan McCallum of Awel Co-op | 15-Mar-2014 | 0

Another great community renewables project. Please pass these on to anyone you think may be looking for an ethical investment that will get more renewable energy into the grid, and start to take control of our electricity supply Read more

Campaign to develop the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network in the UK

Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and the local community, in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared. Benefits are enjoyed by both sides Read more

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