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01/2015 posts

Part-time work available in the Lowimpact team

Dave Darby of | 27-Jan-2015 | 11

This is the second of a series of jobs that will hopefully become available this year. Read more

Job opportunity in the WWOOF team

Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 21-Jan-2015 | 0

Personnel and Organisational Administrator WWOOF UK (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is looking for a specialist in HR policy and procedures, with strong people skills. Read more

Career change? How to become a self-employed natural builder

We’re approached a lot by people wanting to change career to one focused on one of the topics on our website. The most common topic is probably low-impact building. Read more

Earth Building UK are looking for two new directors – can you help?

Earth Building UK is a registered charity involved in a wide range of activities to do with all aspects of earth building. We don’t know exactly how many earth buildings there are in the UK – many thousands certainly, and built using a wide range of techniques. Read more

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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