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02/2022 posts

Mutual Credit Services – keeping communities alive after COVID: Trade Credit Clubs and credit clearing

Dave Darby of | 27-Feb-2022 | 0

Third in a series of articles looking at the development of Mutual Credit Services (MCS), whose mission is to help build local mutual credit ‘clubs’ in the UK and overseas, and to link them together to form a global moneyless trading network – the ‘Credit Commons’. Read more

Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump

John Cantor of | 23-Feb-2022 | 2

We cover ground-source heat pumps more than air-source heat pumps in our topic introduction, so here’s some additional information about air-source heat pumps from our advisor John Cantor: Read more

Mutual Credit Services – keeping communities alive after COVID: explaining the Credit Commons Protocol

Dave Darby of | 20-Feb-2022 | 0

of Mutual Credit Services (MCS), whose mission is to help build local mutual credit ‘clubs’ in the UK and overseas, and to link them together in a global trading network. Here we provide a basic explanation of the Credit Commons Protocol. Read more

Voting with my fork: plant foods I’m not buying any more

Sally Morgan of Empire Farm | 16-Feb-2022 | 6

Sometimes, I wish I didn’t know the backstory to some foods, so I could happily buy them at the local shops and not think twice. But I do and here is my list of foods I won’t be buying again plus others that will require careful buying choices. Read more

Mutual Credit Services – keeping communities alive after COVID: introduction

Dave Darby of | 13-Feb-2022 | 4

Members of the co-op are involved with Mutual Credit Services (MCS), whose mission is to help build local mutual credit ‘clubs’ in the UK and overseas, and to link them together in a global trading network. We’re often asked about the current state of play, and so we’ve put together a series of 6 articles to explain what progress we’ve made. Read more

Toward co-operative commonwealth: transition in a perilous century

A while ago, we interviewed Pat Conaty, author, academic and stalwart of system change activism. We talked about how to grow the ‘co-operative commonwealth’ and about what constitutes the ‘commons’ in the 21st century. Pat is now part of the Synergia Institute, who have put together a MOOC for those of you involved with social and environmental change, and frustrated at the lack of real change we can see around us. Read more

Review of ‘Going to Seed’, new book by Simon Fairlie

Dave Darby of | 06-Feb-2022 | 1

This is a review of Simon Fairlie’s new book, Going to Seed, out on Feb 10th – his ‘counterculture memoir’ – although at times I’ll unapologetically veer into (hopefully relevant) political rambling. Read more

Please help the Ecological Land Co-op with their latest OPD application

The Ecological Land Cooperative would like to ask you for some support. As you may be aware, in 2020 we submitted a One Planet Development application to create 2 new small farms on our site at Furzehill on Gower. Due to one of the potential farmers having to pull out we have withdrawn that initial application and have just resubmitted an OPD application for 1 farm with the other original farmers. Read more

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