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05/2024 posts

Fungi and forest gardens: 2 book reviews by Tomas Remiarz

Permaculture teacher and forest gardener Tomas Remiarz reviews two of the best books that he’s read recently: Entangled Life and the Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook Read more

Busted flush: why the big water corporations have to go

Julian Jones of Water21 | 15-May-2024 | 1

The catastrophic problems of privatised English water companies are well known. Sewerage function and drinking water supply are now more deficient than even before privatisation. Terminal failure was in-built from the start, within the cultural, operational, & regulatory processes applied. Correcting these foundational criteria can help inform the quickest resolution. Read more

Stroud Housing Commons: latest developments

Dave Darby of | 08-May-2024 | 0

We’re building a housing commons in Stroud, and recording everything so that it’s replicable in any town. We’re finalising our partnership agreement, after which we’ll put the first house in the commons. Read more

How we go about not wasting our waste – Compost Toilets and Watson Wicks

Dave Marson of | 04-May-2024 | 1

Hear about the building of, and ongoing use of, a compost toilet in Brazil. Read more

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