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07/2014 posts

Are holiday/leisure cycle paths like the ‘Camel Trail’ good for the environment?

Dave Darby of | 31-Jul-2014 | 0

How do we develop cycling from a leisure activity to part of everyday life? I recently went for a bicycle ride with my partner along the Camel Trail in North Cornwall. Read more

Three-bedroom, earth-sheltered house with a living roof, cob internal walls & sea view; cost: £18,000

Dave Darby of | 26-Jul-2014 | 0

Seven years ago, a handsome builder came on a ‘how to make biodiesel’ course at Redfield and stole one of our staff. They now live with three children in Cornwall, in an earth-sheltered house that he built himself on his own land. Read more

Is it ethical to eat meat?

Dave Darby of | 04-Jul-2014 | 4

A group of around 15 of us meet one evening a month, for something we call ‘Philosophy Club’. The topic of this month’s meeting, which happened last night, was ‘is it ethical to eat meat?’ Read more

Unique opportunity to live on a low-impact, off-grid smallholding in Devon

My name is James Dexter and I am one of the new tenants at Greenham Reach which is a low-impact farming project established in north Devon by the Ecological Land Coop  (ELC) Read more

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